Women’s History Month Highlight: Shareen Luze

Women’s History Month Highlight: Shareen Luze

As head of culture and field experience for RBC Wealth Management – U.S., Shareen Luze dedicates herself to her employees and bettering their lives inside and outside of work. She provides oversight and guidance on workplace strategy and serves as the company’s key champion of the employee experience. Additionally, Luze oversees the firm’s Diversity and Inclusion strategy, serving as the co-executive sponsor of the Diversity Leadership Council and executive sponsor of the Women’s Association of Financial Advisors.

On entering financial services– Luze earned a bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of Michigan and graduated cum laude from Hamline University School of Law. After graduating from law school, she started her career at a law firm practicing employment counseling and litigation. She joined RBC Wealth Management in 2006 as an associate general counsel. She transitioned to human resources in 2008 and became director of the U.S. Employee Relations team. In 2012, she took on additional workplace risk management responsibilities before becoming head of human resources in 2018. “I initially said ‘no’ when I was first approached about this role,” Luze says, reflecting on her journey. “It wasn’t because I wasn’t interested in the job, but I didn’t think I was ready or qualified. After some contemplation, however, I realized that not only could I do the job, but I could actually make a difference – and I did!”

The best advice she’s received– A fresh twist on the popular platitude, “fake it ‘til you make it,” Luze says “Fake it ‘til you feel it.” She explains that whenever she lacks confidence, she channels the confidence others have in her. “It can be uncomfortable at first, but knowing I have a support system helps me move past my doubts and find success.”

On developing a diverse and inclusive workforce– In 2021, Luze took on a newly created role as head of culture and field experience, focused on diversity, inclusion, employee experience, and well-being. “The firm created this role with the recognition that workplace culture impacts every discipline and area of the business, including the bottom line,” Luze says. “We believe we have a responsibility to help employees show up at work as their authentic selves.”

Advice she would give– Emphasizing the importance of authenticity, she encourages individuals entering financial services to stay true to themselves, stating, “Don’t worry about trying to fit into one specific mold. The industry needs all kinds of people to best serve all kinds of people.” She refers to this as “not pretzeling yourself.”

On what she’s proudest of– Seeing the culture at RBC Wealth Management continue to become inclusive and supportive of employees as multi-dimensional humans. “RBC recognizes that employees have a full life outside of work,” Luze says, explaining that the firm has paid caregiver leave and provides access to Milk Stork, a company that helps breastfeeding mothers safely ship their breast milk while traveling for work. Luze’s dedication to fostering a diverse and supportive workplace reflects her commitment to creating positive employee experiences.

RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, registered investment adviser and Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC.

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