Our Story starts with a Research Project
In 2018, Nationwide, along with the American College of Financial Services, initiated RISE Research to determine why there was a lack of diversity in the financial services industry.
When Nationwide conducted this research, there were several known factors:
- There is a racial wealth gap in America.
- There is a lack of diversity in the financial services industry.
- The US population is growing older and more racially and ethnically diverse.
Nationwide found that 87% of Black advisors face distinct challenges within the financial services industry because of:
Lack of mentorship opportunities
Discrimination on the part of the consumer
Lack of a natural market
These Solutions are Known as R.I.S.E.
Our mission is to increase racial diversity, drive greater equity, and foster inclusion within the financial services industry and communities served.
Nationwide’s goal was to Recruit diverse financial professionals, Invest in them, Sustain them, and Evolve with them. They knew they could achieve more by working with other organizations than they could alone.
Nationwide found that many financial services firms were as committed to DEIB efforts as they were. No matter where they were on their journey to racial equity, ALL of the firms wanted to increase diversity in the financial services industry. So they decided to rise up, together.